Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Public information and transparency in Ohio

Volume #77, Report #155, Article #3--Monday, August 11, 2008
Lawmakers' capital budget requests and public employees' collective bargaining agreements were among the first documents posted on a new website the Buckeye Institute launched on Monday.
The website ( ) will not only post data about state and local governments, but allow the public to edit data and create new entries as they see fit, according to the free market think tank.
Michael Maurer, director of the institute's new Center for Transparent and Accountable Government, said the "wiki" site was designed to provide information on government business in s format that is accessible to the public.
In addition to data already available but hard to find on government websites, the institute will make public records requests for additional documents, Mr. Maurer said. Also on the site: e-mail addresses of school district superintendents and treasurers and local government public record policies.
"With very few exceptions, everything the government is doing should be accessible to us," he said during a news conference to publicize the organization's government transparency initiative.
Other states have made better efforts than Ohio to improve government transparency, he said, noting West Virginia has posted its entire public employee payroll online.
While acknowledging that a publicly edited web site could present problems as to the fairness and accuracy of information, Mr. Maurer said the technology already existed and should be used for the vital function of monitoring government functions.
The organization is also asking candidates for public office throughout the state to sign a pledge for transparency and openness in government that expresses belief in posting financial data, labor agreements and other data online.

Pat Huston
Manager, Products & Customer Services
Office of Career-Technical and Adult Education
Ohio Department of Education
25 S. Front St., Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 466-3430

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