Friday, May 30, 2008

What is Social Media?

I met with Kelly Herzog, public info coordinator at Miami Valley CTC, today on her campus (beautiful place, by the way!). Kelly and I will be presenting on Social Media Marketing at the Ohio ACTE Conference in Columbus on August 7th from 1:40-2:40. We met to break down what we wanted to discuss and we obviously talked a lot about the different tools available. I will preview some of the tools here on this blog throughout the summer and provide some how-to's, but first the question must be answered: What is social media? For that, I turn to the utilization of two forms of social media: a blog and YouTube video clips. These are from a blog called the DivaBlog (, which is committed to discussions about social media, etc. These are first-person perspectives of what social media and I have posted them below.
Shane Haggerty
Communications Coordinator
Ohio Hi-Point Career Center

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